• Welcome to Noorelmarifa Association
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  • Nusirat - New Camp
    Palestine - Gaza

  • Working Hours
    sun-thu:9.00am to 3.00pm

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Welcome To Nour El Marifa

We help Poor people to get their life better
Nour El-Marifa Association for developing the Palestinian student ability An independent, non profit and nongovernmental association that was founded in 2000 in Gaza strip according to the Palestinian law for the charity associations number (1) for year 2000 that carries licenses number (6082).
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3000 +

Sponsored children

100000 +


1000 +

Complete Projects



Association programmes

  • Educational program
    The program provides educational services for Palestinian students from the initial stages of study until the end of university studies through the provision of scholarships and guarantees, in-kind assistance, and the support needed to encourage them cognitively and financially. Palestine Al Ghad School, Al Kookh kindergarten and nursery for children.
  • Relief program
    This program aims to Provide emergency and seasonal relief services based on the results of the needs assessments studies carried out by the program staff, and the development of services provided to the community through relief projects such as renovation projects, infrastructure development, water projects, supplying medical equipment and relief to the needy, and many projects that work on upgrading the living conditions of needy families such as livelihood projects and many other effective projects.
  • Health program
    This program aims to provide health care services to the local community, early detection of speech & hearing problems during the early childhood stage in kindergartens and primary school through the Speech and Hearing therapy Clinic, in addition to Palestine Health Center, which provides health services at very low prices commensurate with the economic situation of the local community. Followed by laboratory medicine services.
  • Women and Youth Program
    It aims to build youth and women capacities, and empower them economically, cognitively and socially to contribute in the creation of youth energies capable of contributing to the rebuilding process of the society and building a better tomorrow for Palestinians.

  1. https://www.akintiburnu.com/
  2. https://www.loon2amir.com/
  3. https://www.poolcleaningsacramento.com/
  4. https://www.hrndgov.org/
  5. https://www.athleticlockeroutlet.com/
  6. https://www.bajiogrill.com/
  7. https://bedfordfilmfestival.org/
  8. https://www.christchurchnorthhills.org/
  9. https://www.fortsutterracingpigeonclub.org/
  10. https://www.greatplates.org/
  11. https://noorelmarifa.org/
  12. https://leon2023.org/
  13. https://www.observatorioelectoral.org/
  14. https://ag-lab.org/
  15. https://www.colunistas.com/
  16. pintarbersamamedan.org
  17. https://pintarbersamamanado.org
  18. https://pintarbersamasorong.org/dana
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