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    Palestine - Gaza

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    sun-thu:9.00am to 3.00pm

Drinking water desalination units for schools in Gaza ,El Wosta Project


Drinking water desalination units for schools in Gaza ,El Wosta Project

Under the patronage of the Minister of Education Dr. Sabri Sidem, Nour El-Marifa association in Nuseirat organized a ceremony, to deliver drinking water desalination units for the schools in the central governorate. as part of digging wells project and establish desalination units for schools in the Gaza Strip.    The Association implemented this project to serve the students in the central governorate governmental schools ,by establishing 4 wells and 4 water desalination units which serves several schools in the central region and its neighboring areas.      In a speech of Chairman Board of Directors of Nour EL-Marifa Association ,Abdul Jalil Abdulhameed Gharab clarified the  importance of this great project, which service 13 thousand students in those schools, because of the unhealthy water provided to school students, we were forced to  interfere through the association to establish such a project. All thanks to the  Foundation of United Kingdom Islamic Mission for stand alongside the Palestinian people.   Mr. Ali Abu Hossaballah, Manager of Education Directorate in the central governorate, thanked the Nour EL-Marifa Association for its great project which was established in the middle schools to complete the educational process to the fullest extent.     The ceremony was held at Al Orouba Secondary School for Girls, there was swide participation from the schools students  who presented many various interesting activities which impressed the audience.   The Dabkeh Folklore Ensemble of the Palestine El-Gud School also presented a folkloric dance which impressed everyone.   At the end of the ceremony, all attendees were invited to attend the opening ceremony of desalination plants, thanking the association for this great effort.

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  11. https://noorelmarifa.org/
  12. https://leon2023.org/
  13. https://www.observatorioelectoral.org/
  14. https://ag-lab.org/
  15. https://www.colunistas.com/
  16. pintarbersamamedan.org
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