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Nour El Marifa Begins in University Students Transport Project




    Nour El Marifa El Khairia Association in Nusierat, Gaza Strip starts in second phase of big project supported by Qatar Charitable Society "Supporting Disadvantaged University Students 2008-2009". The project concludes in saving free vehicles for university students in South Areas Rafah and Khan Yonis and Middle Area Students. There are many buses carrying students and these buses run in times suitable for all student. No. of beneficiaries is estimated by 800


After the association had carried out the first phase of the same project, which was supported by Qatar Beneficiary Society during, last second term 2007-2008. The beneficiaries were 1600 male and female university students. There were completed coordination between the local community represented in University Students' Affairs Deanships in (Gaza Islamic University, Al Azhar University � Al Aqsa University)   in order to identify needy students' documents and lists through specialist working in social research Department in these universities. The students have special cards to enable them to be transported in buses. This project comes as continuous support for all sectors of students as one of the association objectives and the association always helps the Palestinian Students in these bad conditions to complete their education process. 




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  1. https://www.akintiburnu.com/
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