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The Association Profile

Nour El Marifa El Khairia Association is NGO and non-profit organization. It is located on August 19, 2000 (equivalent 1421H). It is located in New Camp � Nuiserat � The Middle Area � Gaza Strip � Palestine. The association has been established in order to help the Palestinian student's abilities but after Al-Aqsa Uprising in 2000, the association serves its different relief, social, humanitarian aids represented in sponsorship the orphans, needy children and families in addition to different charity projects. The association is established by group pf sincere persons where outcomes of their works lead to construct a building "Caring & Rehabilitating Centre for Children with Special Needs"  



  • Brief Description of the Association


           Nour El MArifa El Khairia Association lies in New Camp, Nusierat, the Middle Area, Gaza Strip. It is registered by ministry of interior as Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). The  association began its actual activities on August, 2000

The association works in different fields in order to help and support Palestinian people whether in Gaza Middle Area or any other area in Gaza Strip. For example, it presents its aids and help for different groups and sectors from families and students in these difficult times where closure and siege in order to meet the urgent needs for families in Nusierat Camp  in special and in Gaza Strip in general  





Association News




Association Objectives


About Association


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