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Guarantees children orphans and poor project

Since the inception of knowledge Nour Charity Association in 2000 with great attention focused on the issue of orphans and needy children and had taken pains to build their case it has established a special section of orphans and foster care and helping them constantly and it was the grace of God and virtue, with the help of many good people of our brothers abroad who adopted us on this issue and were the best support us in our journey that until the number of children currently in foster care by approximately three hundred children between the orphans and needy. And singled commendable here in our institutions (educational assistance to the Palestinians ((EAP in London) who provided a helping hand for close to twenty per cent and children, including orphans and the needy of them as well as our brothers from the Foundation (the charity in London) and who is on bail Menna is also close to per cent and twenty orphaned children, and these institutions to send money monthly for these orphans and the needy to enable them and their families to spend their essential needs and contribute to easing the burden entirely on the shoulders of the mother is often unable to take custody of their children and either because of illness or inability to do anything on her family generate income and if the benefit is simple. God bless their good and more like them and make them an asset to Islam and Muslims and made them say those who believed the Holy Prophet on the best prayers and peace (who was in brother, God was in need)




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  1. https://www.akintiburnu.com/
  2. https://www.loon2amir.com/
  3. https://www.poolcleaningsacramento.com/
  4. https://www.hrndgov.org/
  5. https://www.athleticlockeroutlet.com/
  6. https://www.bajiogrill.com/
  7. https://bedfordfilmfestival.org/
  8. https://www.christchurchnorthhills.org/
  9. https://www.fortsutterracingpigeonclub.org/
  10. https://www.greatplates.org/
  11. https://noorelmarifa.org/
  12. https://leon2023.org/
  13. https://www.observatorioelectoral.org/
  14. https://ag-lab.org/
  15. https://www.colunistas.com/
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