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Visiting Abdl Galil Ghrab for the head of Educational Middle Area Mr. Ali El Mejdlawe



The subject: Visiting Abdl Galil Ghrab for the head of Educational Middle Area Mr. Ali El Mejdlawe


Mr. Abdl El Galil Grab has visited the office of Educational Middle Area. Mr. Ali El Mejdlawe on Saturday 31-10-2009 at 8:00 a.m.


The visit discusses some issues including the following:

        Jointly cooperation between UNRWA schools and Nour El Marifa El Khairia.

        Discussing the mechanisms that will be used between Nour El Marifa School for Special Needs and UNRWA.

        Exchange experiences between UNRWA and Nour El Marifa School teachers.

        Discussing the problems that face the association and emphasis that the association serves all society sectors and it is independent, non political, non partisan and non denominational.

        Discussing the mechanism to honor the top students at the end of school year.


At the final meeting, Mr. Abdl Galil Ghrab invites Mr. Mahmoud El Hemdiat to visit the organization and looking at their educational and humanitarian sections and how it influence on the local community. Mr. Ali El Mejdlawe thanks Mr. Abdl Galil Ghrab according to this visit and cooperation. 





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